Orange Wanpot is the best of both worlds solution that gives the subscriber a fixed monthly bundle for a fixed price while allowing them to top-up as required.
With this new service, the subscriber is offered a monthly plan that includes an SMS Quota and a set amount to make calls to all destination plus abundant data bundle, for a fixed monthly fee, but also allows them to top-up and access prepaid services at any stage.
Orange Wanpot is the best of both worlds solution that gives the subscriber a fixed monthly bundle for a fixed price while allowing them to top-up as required.
With this new service, the subscriber is offered a monthly plan that includes an SMS Quota and a set amount to make calls to all destination plus abundant data bundle, for a fixed monthly fee, but also allows them to top-up and access prepaid services at any stage.
To applu for Orange Wanpot, customer eithers sends SMS/call 420 or contact an Account manager.
B2B customers mainly SMEs and corporate institutions are eligible to subscribe for Orange Wanpot package.
Validity period: 30 days for data and SMS and 60 days for voice allocation.
You can unsubscribe from the service by sending a mail to your account manager or one month before the contract expires
Orange Wanpot is applicable to prepaid roaming only, if main account is recharged.
Control of my spend, Flexibility to recharge and Value for money