Allow your callers to listen to your favorite tone. Assign local, international and popular songs as your Orange Caller Tune.
A service providing data in advance to subscribers with the option to repay upon next recharge.
Orange Tross Topup is an emergency credit offered to customers.
Magic Voice is a fun based service that allows callers to change their voice when they place a call.
Orange Football Fact is a mobile platform which provides sport updates about Football and Basket ball.
Enable subscribers to know about Job Vacancies.
A loan service which allows customers without Data to loan data and pay later.
SIM Credit is loan service which allows customers without credits to loan credit and pay later.
Hello Tunes is a service that allows mobile subscribers to select a tone of choice that would be heard by their caller's when their numbers are dialed.
Mega Win is an entertainment Loyalty program allowing subscribers to participate in thematic quiz and win prizes, receive content SMS alerts or play casual games.
Health Service provides you health tips.
Salone Pack provides customers with Local Update on Sports. Including Football, Basket ball.
Awoko News provides you breaking local and international news.
OFC is a football service that provides customers access to 24/7 information about football.
SL premier league updates customers with SL premier League Fixture, Transfer News, Goal Update...
Love Tips provides you Love content.
Astro Tips & Mdoctor provides you health and astro tips.
Christianity provides customers christian contents.
Islamic provides Customers Islamic scriptures & quranic verses.
Breaking news provides customers recent happens around the country.