Allow your callers to listen to your favorite tone. Assign local, international and popular songs as your Orange Caller Tune.
How to subscribe:
You can load Caller tunes through one of the following ways:
To subscribe:
1. Send START to short code 2525
2. Call Customer Care
3. IVR Subscription: Dial 2525 and follow voice prompt
How to un-subscribe:
1. Send STOP to 2525
2. Dial 2525 and follow the Voice prompt to unsubscribe
3. Call Customer Care
Allow your callers to listen to your favorite tone. Assign local, international and popular songs as your Orange Caller Tune.
How to subscribe:
You can load Caller tunes through one of the following ways:
To subscribe:
1. Send START to short code 2525
2. Call Customer Care
3. IVR Subscription: Dial 2525 and follow voice prompt
How to un-subscribe:
1. Send STOP to 2525
2. Dial 2525 and follow the Voice prompt to unsubscribe
3. Call Customer Care