Country Name Operator Continent Prepaid Local Prepaid Call Home Prepaid International Prepaid SMS Prepaid DATA Prepaid MTC Postpaid Local Postpaid Call Home Postpaid International Postpaid SMS Postpaid DATA Postpaid MTC
Algeria Optimum Telecom Algeria Spa AFRICA 1.449 8.9355 16.905 0.23184 0.23184 8.875125 1.26 7.77 14.7 0.2016 0.2016 8.4525
Benin Spacetel-Benin AFRICA 8.694 8.9355 22.9425 0.2898 0.2898 5.576235 7.56 7.77 19.95 0.252 0.252 5.3107
Benin Etisalat Benin SA AFRICA 8.694 8.9355 22.9425 0.2898 0.2898 5.576235 7.56 7.77 19.95 0.252 0.252 5.3107
Burkina Faso Orange Burkina Faso S.A AFRICA 1.449 13.2825 16.905 0.11592 0.11592 7.276395 1.26 11.55 14.7 0.1008 0.1008 6.9299
Burkina Faso Onatel AFRICA 8.694 8.9355 22.9425 0.2898 0.2898 7.276395 7.56 7.77 19.95 0.252 0.252 6.9299
Cameroon MTN Cameroon Ltd AFRICA 1.449 16.905 16.905 0.11592 0.11592 11.947005 1.26 14.7 14.7 0.1008 0.1008 11.3781
Cameroon Orange Cameroun SA AFRICA 1.449 13.2825 13.2825 0.11592 0.11592 11.947005 1.26 11.55 11.55 0.1008 0.1008 11.3781
Cape Verde CVMOVEL SOCIEDADE UNIPESSOAL, SA AFRICA 5.796 8.9355 8.9355 0.2898 0.2898 3.84951 5.04 7.77 7.77 0.252 0.252 3.6662
Central African Republic Orange Centrafrique AFRICA 1.449 15.6975 15.6975 0.11592 0.11592 5.43858 1.26 13.65 13.65 0.1008 0.1008 5.1796
Chad Airtel Tchad AFRICA 8.694 8.9355 8.9355 0.1449 0.1449 9.50544 7.56 7.77 7.77 0.126 0.126 9.0528
Congo Airtel Congo SA AFRICA 8.694 8.9355 8.9355 0.1449 0.1449 9.95463 7.56 7.77 7.77 0.126 0.126 9.4806
Congo, The Democratic Republic of the Orange RDC Sarl AFRICA 1.449 14.49 14.49 0.11592 0.11592 9.95463 1.26 12.6 12.6 0.1008 0.1008 9.4806
Congo, The Democratic Republic of the Vodacom Congo (RDC) S.A. AFRICA 7.245 8.9355 8.9355 2.898 2.898 9.95463 6.3 7.77 7.77 2.52 2.52 9.4806
Congo, The Democratic Republic of the AIRTEL CONGO RDC SA AFRICA 8.694 8.9355 8.9355 0.1449 0.1449 9.95463 7.56 7.77 7.77 0.126 0.126 9.4806
Congo, The Democratic Republic of the Orange RDC Sarl AFRICA 1.449 14.49 14.49 0.11592 0.11592 9.95463 1.26 12.6 12.6 0.1008 0.1008 9.4806
Côte d’Ivoire Orange Cote DIvoire S.A. AFRICA 1.449 13.2825 13.2825 0.11592 0.11592 6.47703 1.26 11.55 11.55 0.1008 0.1008 6.1686
Côte d’Ivoire MTN Cote d'Ivoire S.A AFRICA 8.694 8.9355 8.9355 0.2898 0.2898 6.47703 7.56 7.77 7.77 0.252 0.252 6.1686
Côte d’Ivoire Atlantique Telecom Côte d'Ivoire AFRICA 8.694 8.9355 22.9425 0.2898 0.2898 6.47703 7.56 7.77 19.95 0.252 0.252 6.1686
Egypt Orange Egypt for Telecommunications AFRICA 1.449 8.9355 8.9355 0.11592 0.11592 1.895775 1.26 7.77 7.77 0.1008 0.1008 1.8055
Egypt Etisalat - Misr AFRICA 7.245 8.9355 8.9355 2.898 2.898 1.895775 6.3 7.77 7.77 2.52 2.52 1.8055
Egypt Vodafone Egypt Telecommunications S.A.E AFRICA 7.245 8.9355 8.9355 2.898 2.898 1.895775 6.3 7.77 7.77 2.52 2.52 1.8055
Equatorial Guinea Guinea Ecuatorial de Telecomunicaciones Sociedad Anonima AFRICA 1.449 13.2825 13.2825 0.11592 0.11592 7.37058 1.26 11.55 11.55 0.1008 0.1008 7.0196
Gabon Airtel Gabon S.A. AFRICA 8.694 8.9355 8.9355 0.1449 0.1449 7.773885 7.56 7.77 7.77 0.126 0.126 7.4037
Gambia Africell (Gambia) Limited AFRICA 8.694 8.9355 8.9355 0.23184 0.23184 7.252245 7.56 7.77 7.77 0.2016 0.2016 6.9069
Gambia Comium Gambia Ltd. AFRICA 8.694 8.9355 8.9355 0.23184 0.23184 7.252245 7.56 7.77 7.77 0.2016 0.2016 6.9069
Gambia Gambia Telecommunications Cellular Company Ltd (Gamcell) AFRICA 8.694 8.9355 8.9355 0.23184 0.23184 7.252245 7.56 7.77 7.77 0.2016 0.2016 6.9069
Gambia QCell AFRICA 8.694 8.9355 8.9355 0.23184 0.23184 7.252245 7.56 7.77 7.77 0.2016 0.2016 6.9069
Ghana Airtel Ghana Limited AFRICA 2.898 8.9355 8.9355 0.2898 0.2898 4.629555 2.52 7.77 7.77 0.252 0.252 4.4091
Ghana Airtel Ghana Limited AFRICA 2.898 8.9355 8.9355 0.2898 0.2898 4.629555 2.52 7.77 7.77 0.252 0.252 4.4091
Ghana Scancom PLC AFRICA 2.898 8.9355 8.9355 0.2898 0.2898 4.629555 2.52 7.77 7.77 0.252 0.252 4.4091
Ghana Vodafone Ghana AFRICA 7.245 8.9355 8.9355 0.2898 0.2898 4.629555 6.3 7.77 7.77 0.252 0.252 4.4091
Guinea-Bissau Orange Bissau AFRICA 1.449 16.905 16.905 0.11592 0.11592 12.49 1.26 14.7 14.7 0.1008 0.1008 10.86087
Kenya Airtel Networks Kenya Limited AFRICA 8.694 8.9355 8.9355 0.1449 0.1449 3.96543 7.56 7.77 7.77 0.126 0.126 3.7766
Kenya Safaricom PLC AFRICA 8.694 8.9355 8.9355 0.1449 0.1449 3.96543 7.56 7.77 7.77 0.126 0.126 3.7766
Lesotho Econet Telecom Lesotho (Pty) Ltd (ETL) AFRICA 7.245 8.9355 8.9355 2.898 2.898 8.87754 6.3 7.77 7.77 2.52 2.52 8.4548
Madagascar Orange Madagascar S.A. AFRICA 1.449 19.32 19.32 0.11592 0.11592 12.951645 1.26 16.8 16.8 0.1008 0.1008 12.3349
Madagascar TELECOM MALAGASY (TELMA) S.A. AFRICA 1.449 13.2825 13.2825 0.11592 0.11592 12.951645 1.26 11.55 11.55 0.1008 0.1008 12.3349
Madagascar Airtel Madagascar SA AFRICA 8.694 8.9355 8.9355 0.1449 0.1449 12.951645 7.56 7.77 7.77 0.126 0.126 12.3349
Malawi Airtel Malawi Limited AFRICA 8.694 8.9355 8.9355 0.1449 0.1449 8.232735 7.56 7.77 7.77 0.126 0.126 7.8407
Malawi Telekom Networks Malawi PLC AFRICA 8.694 8.9355 8.9355 0.1449 0.1449 8.232735 7.56 7.77 7.77 0.126 0.126 7.8407
Mali Orange Mali SA AFRICA 1.449 13.2825 13.2825 0.11592 0.11592 7.643475 1.26 11.55 11.55 0.1008 0.1008 7.2795
Mali Malitel - SA AFRICA 8.694 8.9355 22.9425 2.898 2.898 7.459935 7.56 7.77 19.95 2.52 2.52 7.2795
Mauritius Emtel Ltd AFRICA 4.347 8.9355 8.9355 0.1449 0.1449 3.47277 3.78 7.77 7.77 0.126 0.126 3.3074
Morocco Médi Télécom AFRICA 1.449 14.49 14.49 0.11592 0.11592 6.735435 1.26 12.6 12.6 0.1008 0.1008 6.4147
Morocco Itissalat Al-Maghrib S.A. AFRICA 4.347 8.9355 8.9355 2.898 2.898 6.735435 3.78 7.77 7.77 2.52 2.52 6.4147
Mozambique Moçambique Telecom, S.A. AFRICA 7.245 8.9355 8.9355 2.898 2.898 5.85396 6.3 7.77 7.77 2.52 2.52 5.5752
Mozambique Vodacom Moçambique, S.A. AFRICA 7.245 8.9355 8.9355 2.898 2.898 5.85396 6.3 7.77 7.77 2.52 2.52 5.5752
Niger ZAMANI TELECOM NIGER S.A. AFRICA 1.449 13.2825 13.2825 0.2898 0.2898 5.42892 1.26 11.55 11.55 0.252 0.252 5.1704
Niger Celtel Niger S.A. AFRICA 8.694 8.9355 8.9355 0.1449 0.1449 5.42892 7.56 7.77 7.77 0.126 0.126 5.1704
Niger Telecel Niger SA AFRICA 8.694 8.9355 22.9425 0.2898 0.2898 5.42892 7.56 7.77 19.95 0.252 0.252 5.1704
Nigeria Emerging Markets Telecommunication Services Ltd AFRICA 2.898 8.9355 8.9355 0.2898 0.2898 2.54058 2.52 7.77 7.77 0.252 0.252 2.4196
Nigeria Airtel Networks Limited AFRICA 8.694 8.9355 8.9355 0.1449 0.1449 2.54058 7.56 7.77 7.77 0.126 0.126 2.4196
Nigeria MTN Nigeria Communications Limited AFRICA 8.694 8.9355 8.9355 0.2898 0.2898 2.54058 7.56 7.77 7.77 0.252 0.252 2.4196
Nigeria Globacom Limited AFRICA 14.49 8.9355 21.735 0.11592 0.11592 2.54058 12.6 7.77 18.9 0.1008 0.1008 2.4196
Rwanda MTN RwandaCell PLC AFRICA 8.694 8.9355 8.9355 0.2898 0.2898 5.7477 7.56 7.77 7.77 0.252 0.252 5.474
Senegal (SONATEL) AFRICA 1.449 13.2825 13.2825 0.11592 0.11592 6.580875 1.26 11.55 11.55 0.1008 0.1008 6.2675
Senegal SAGA AFRICA HOLDING LIMITED AFRICA 8.694 8.9355 8.9355 0.2898 0.2898 6.580875 7.56 7.77 7.77 0.252 0.252 6.2675
Seychelles Airtel (Seychelles) Limited AFRICA 8.694 8.9355 8.9355 0.2898 1.449 14.007 7.56 7.77 7.77 0.252 1.26 13.34
South Africa Cell C Limited AFRICA 7.245 8.9355 8.9355 0.2898 0.2898 7.855995 6.3 7.77 7.77 0.252 0.252 7.4819
South Africa Vodacom (Pty) Ltd. AFRICA 7.245 8.9355 8.9355 0.2898 0.2898 7.855995 6.3 7.77 7.77 0.252 0.252 7.4819
South Africa Mobile Telephone Networks (Pty) Ltd. AFRICA 8.694 8.9355 8.9355 0.23184 0.23184 7.855995 7.56 7.77 7.77 0.2016 0.2016 7.4819
Sudan (The Republic of) MTN Sudan AFRICA 8.694 8.9355 8.9355 0.2898 0.2898 3.721515 7.56 7.77 7.77 0.252 0.252 3.5443
Sudan (The Republic of) Sudanese Mobile Telephone (Zain) Co. Ltd AFRICA 8.694 8.9355 8.9355 0.2898 0.2898 3.721515 7.56 7.77 7.77 0.252 0.252 3.5443
Tanzania, United Republic of Vodacom Tanzania Limited AFRICA 7.245 8.9355 8.9355 0.2898 0.2898 5.86362 6.3 7.77 7.77 0.252 0.252 5.5844
Tanzania, United Republic of Airtel Tanzania Plc AFRICA 8.694 8.9355 8.9355 0.2898 0.2898 5.86362 7.56 7.77 7.77 0.252 0.252 5.5844
Togo Moov Africa Togo S.A. AFRICA 8.694 8.9355 22.9425 0.2898 0.2898 5.779095 7.56 7.77 19.95 0.252 0.252 5.5039
Togo Togo Telecom AFRICA 8.694 8.9355 22.9425 0.2898 0.2898 5.779095 7.56 7.77 19.95 0.252 0.252 5.5039
Tunisia Ooredoo Tunisie SA AFRICA 17.388 19.32 19.32 0.1449 0.1449 14.796705 15.12 16.8 16.8 0.126 0.126 14.0921
Tunisia Orange Tunisie, SA AFRICA 17.388 19.32 19.32 0.11592 0.11592 14.796705 15.12 16.8 16.8 0.1008 0.1008 14.0921
Uganda Uganda Telecommunications Corporation Limited (UTCL) AFRICA 8.694 8.9355 8.9355 0.1449 0.1449 8.010555 7.56 7.77 7.77 0.126 0.126 7.6291
Uganda Airtel Uganda Limited AFRICA 8.694 8.9355 8.9355 0.1449 0.1449 8.010555 7.56 7.77 7.77 0.126 0.126 7.6291
Uganda Airtel Uganda Limited AFRICA 8.694 8.9355 8.9355 0.1449 0.1449 8.010555 7.56 7.77 7.77 0.126 0.126 7.6291
Uganda MTN Uganda Ltd AFRICA 8.694 8.9355 8.9355 0.1449 0.1449 8.010555 7.56 7.77 7.77 0.126 0.126 7.6291
Zambia Airtel Networks Zambia Plc. AFRICA 8.694 8.9355 8.9355 0.1449 0.1449 8.65053 7.56 7.77 7.77 0.126 0.126 8.2386
Zimbabwe Econet Wireless (Private) Limited AFRICA 8.694 8.9355 8.9355 0.1449 0.1449 7.295715 7.56 7.77 7.77 0.126 0.126 6.9483
Guinea Areeba Guinea_ MTN AFRICA 8.26 11.55 11.55 0.1008 0.1008 8.82 9.5 13.2825 13.2825 0.11592 0.11592 10.143
Guinea Orange Guinea S.A. AFRICA 8.26 11.55 11.55 0.1008 0.1008 8.82 9.5 13.2825 13.2825 0.11592 0.11592 10.143
Liberia MTN Liberia AFRICA 7.83 13.65 13.65 0.1008 0.1008 7.056 9 15.6975 15.6975 0.11592 0.11592 8.1144
Liberia Orange Liberia AFRICA 7.83 13.65 13.65 0.1008 0.1008 7.056 9 15.6975 15.6975 0.11592 0.11592 8.1144
Brazil TIM(BRARN,BRASP,BRACS) AMERICA 8.694 21.735 21.735 0.2898 0.2898 0.16905 7.56 18.9 18.9 0.252 0.252 0.161
Brazil VIVO (BRAV1, BRAV2,BRAV3) AMERICA 8.694 21.735 21.735 0.2898 0.2898 0.16905 7.56 18.9 18.9 0.252 0.252 0.161
Brazil Cloro AMERICA 8.694 21.735 21.735 0.2898 0.2898 0.16905 7.56 18.9 18.9 0.252 0.252 0.161
CANADA TELUS AMERICA 1.449 8.9355 8.9355 0.2898 0.2898 1.321005 1.26 7.77 7.77 0.252 0.252 1.2581
CANADA BELL MOBILITY AMERICA 0.8694 8.9355 8.9355 0.1449 0.1449 1.321005 0.756 7.77 7.77 0.126 0.126 1.2581
Canada FIDO-Microcell AMERICA 8.694 8.9355 14.49 0.11592 0.11592 1.321005 7.56 7.77 12.6 0.1008 0.1008 1.2581
Canada Roger Wireless Inc AMERICA 0.8694 8.9355 14.49 0.20286 0.20286 1.321005 0.756 7.77 12.6 0.1764 0.1764 1.2581
Dominican Republic Orange AMERICA 4.347 8.9355 8.9355 0.1449 0.1449 2.28459 3.78 7.77 7.77 0.126 0.126 2.1758
Trinidad Digicel AMERICA 8.694 8.9355 8.9355 0.2898 0.2898 3.02841 7.56 7.77 7.77 0.252 0.252 2.8842
United States Cingular Wireless Pacific Bell AMERICA 3.4776 8.9355 8.9355 0.2898 0.2898 0.079695 3.024 7.77 7.77 0.252 0.252 0.0759
United States Nextel AMERICA 3.4776 8.9355 8.9355 0.2898 0.2898 0.079695 3.024 7.77 7.77 0.252 0.252 0.0759
United States Cingular Wireless Genesis AMERICA 3.4776 8.9355 8.9355 0.2898 0.2898 0.079695 3.024 7.77 7.77 0.252 0.252 0.0759
United States Cincinnati Bells Wireless AMERICA 3.4776 8.9355 8.9355 0.2898 0.2898 0.079695 3.024 7.77 7.77 0.252 0.252 0.0759
United States Cingular Wireless East AMERICA 3.4776 8.9355 8.9355 0.2898 0.2898 0.079695 3.024 7.77 7.77 0.252 0.252 0.0759
United States AT&T (Cingular) AMERICA 3.4776 8.9355 8.9355 0.2898 0.2898 0.079695 3.024 7.77 7.77 0.252 0.252 0.0759
United States Manx Telecome AMERICA 3.4776 8.9355 8.9355 0.2898 0.2898 0.079695 3.024 7.77 7.77 0.252 0.252 0.0759
United States AMERICAN P COMM AMERICA 3.4776 8.9355 8.9355 0.2898 0.2898 0.079695 3.024 7.77 7.77 0.252 0.252 0.0759
Bahamas NaN AMERICA 8.694 21.735 21.735 0.2898 0.2898 0.16905 7.56 18.9 18.9 0.252 0.252 0.161
Bangladesh Grameenphone Ltd ASIA 8.694 14.49 14.49 0.23184 0.23184 0.282555 7.56 12.6 12.6 0.2016 0.2016 0.2691
India Vodaphone Essar ASIA 5.796 8.9355 20.5275 0.7245 0.7245 0.44436 5.04 7.77 17.85 0.63 0.63 0.4232
India FASCEL (INDF1) ASIA 5.796 8.9355 20.5275 0.7245 0.7245 0.44436 5.04 7.77 17.85 0.63 0.63 0.4232
India Reliance Telecom (INDRM) ASIA 5.796 8.9355 20.5275 0.7245 0.7245 0.44436 5.04 7.77 17.85 0.63 0.63 0.4232
India Hutchison Telecom East (INDCC) ASIA 5.796 8.9355 20.5275 0.7245 0.7245 0.44436 5.04 7.77 17.85 0.63 0.63 0.4232
India Aircell (INDRC) ASIA 5.796 8.9355 20.5275 0.7245 0.7245 0.44436 5.04 7.77 17.85 0.63 0.63 0.4232
india VODAFNE CELULR ASIA 5.796 8.9355 20.5275 0.7245 0.7245 0.44436 5.04 7.77 17.85 0.63 0.63 0.4232
India Hutchison Essar ASIA 5.796 8.9355 20.5275 0.7245 0.7245 0.44436 5.04 7.77 17.85 0.63 0.63 0.4232
India MTNL Delhi ASIA 5.796 8.9355 20.5275 0.7245 0.7245 0.44436 5.04 7.77 17.85 0.63 0.63 0.4232
India MTNL Mumbai ASIA 5.796 8.9355 20.5275 0.7245 0.7245 0.44436 5.04 7.77 17.85 0.63 0.63 0.4232
India BPL TamilNadu ASIA 5.796 8.9355 20.5275 0.7245 0.7245 0.44436 5.04 7.77 17.85 0.63 0.63 0.4232
India Idea Madhya Pradesh ASIA 5.796 8.9355 20.5275 0.7245 0.7245 0.44436 5.04 7.77 17.85 0.63 0.63 0.4232
India Idea Assam ASIA 5.796 8.9355 20.5275 0.7245 0.7245 0.44436 5.04 7.77 17.85 0.63 0.63 0.4232
India Idea Assam ASIA 5.796 8.9355 20.5275 0.7245 0.7245 0.44436 5.04 7.77 17.85 0.63 0.63 0.4232
India Idea Jammu & Kashmir ASIA 5.796 8.9355 20.5275 0.7245 0.7245 0.44436 5.04 7.77 17.85 0.63 0.63 0.4232
India Idea Jammu & Kashmir ASIA 5.796 8.9355 20.5275 0.7245 0.7245 0.44436 5.04 7.77 17.85 0.63 0.63 0.4232
India Idea Kolkata ASIA 5.796 8.9355 20.5275 0.7245 0.7245 0.44436 5.04 7.77 17.85 0.63 0.63 0.4232
India Idea Kolkata ASIA 5.796 8.9355 20.5275 0.7245 0.7245 0.44436 5.04 7.77 17.85 0.63 0.63 0.4232
India Idea North East ASIA 5.796 8.9355 20.5275 0.7245 0.7245 0.44436 5.04 7.77 17.85 0.63 0.63 0.4232
India Idea North East ASIA 5.796 8.9355 20.5275 0.7245 0.7245 0.44436 5.04 7.77 17.85 0.63 0.63 0.4232
India Idea Orissa ASIA 5.796 8.9355 20.5275 0.7245 0.7245 0.44436 5.04 7.77 17.85 0.63 0.63 0.4232
India Idea Tamil Nadu ASIA 5.796 8.9355 20.5275 0.7245 0.7245 0.44436 5.04 7.77 17.85 0.63 0.63 0.4232
India Idea West Bengal ASIA 5.796 8.9355 20.5275 0.7245 0.7245 0.44436 5.04 7.77 17.85 0.63 0.63 0.4232
India Idea West Bengal ASIA 5.796 8.9355 20.5275 0.7245 0.7245 0.44436 5.04 7.77 17.85 0.63 0.63 0.4232
India Idea Mumbai ASIA 5.796 8.9355 20.5275 0.7245 0.7245 0.44436 5.04 7.77 17.85 0.63 0.63 0.4232
India Idea Bihar ASIA 5.796 8.9355 20.5275 0.7245 0.7245 0.44436 5.04 7.77 17.85 0.63 0.63 0.4232
India Idea Haryana ASIA 5.796 8.9355 20.5275 0.7245 0.7245 0.44436 5.04 7.77 17.85 0.63 0.63 0.4232
India Idea Kerala ASIA 5.796 8.9355 20.5275 0.7245 0.7245 0.44436 5.04 7.77 17.85 0.63 0.63 0.4232
India Idea Punjab ASIA 5.796 8.9355 20.5275 0.7245 0.7245 0.44436 5.04 7.77 17.85 0.63 0.63 0.4232
India Idea Maharashtra and Goa ASIA 5.796 8.9355 20.5275 0.7245 0.7245 0.44436 5.04 7.77 17.85 0.63 0.63 0.4232
India Idea Gujarat ASIA 5.796 8.9355 20.5275 0.7245 0.7245 0.44436 5.04 7.77 17.85 0.63 0.63 0.4232
India Idea UP West ASIA 5.796 8.9355 20.5275 0.7245 0.7245 0.44436 5.04 7.77 17.85 0.63 0.63 0.4232
India Idea Karnataka ASIA 5.796 8.9355 20.5275 0.7245 0.7245 0.44436 5.04 7.77 17.85 0.63 0.63 0.4232
India Idea Andhra Pradesh ASIA 5.796 8.9355 20.5275 0.7245 0.7245 0.44436 5.04 7.77 17.85 0.63 0.63 0.4232
India Idea Himachal Pradesh ASIA 5.796 8.9355 20.5275 0.7245 0.7245 0.44436 5.04 7.77 17.85 0.63 0.63 0.4232
India Idea Rajasthan ASIA 5.796 8.9355 20.5275 0.7245 0.7245 0.44436 5.04 7.77 17.85 0.63 0.63 0.4232
India Idea UP East ASIA 5.796 8.9355 20.5275 0.7245 0.7245 0.44436 5.04 7.77 17.85 0.63 0.63 0.4232
India Idea Maharashtra ASIA 5.796 8.9355 20.5275 0.7245 0.7245 0.44436 5.04 7.77 17.85 0.63 0.63 0.4232
Iran MCI ASIA 5.796 8.9355 20.5275 0.7245 0.7245 3.73359 5.04 7.77 17.85 0.63 0.63 3.5558
Iraq Asiacell ASIA 5.796 8.9355 20.5275 0.7245 0.7245 4.30353 5.04 7.77 17.85 0.63 0.63 4.0986
Iraq Atheer/Zain ASIA 5.796 8.9355 20.5275 0.7245 0.7245 4.30353 5.04 7.77 17.85 0.63 0.63 4.0986
Japan NTTDOCOMO ASIA 8.694 14.49 14.49 2.898 2.898 0.610995 7.56 12.6 12.6 2.52 2.52 0.5819
Japan Soft Bank ( former VodafoneK.K) ASIA 8.694 14.49 14.49 2.898 2.898 0.610995 7.56 12.6 12.6 2.52 2.52 0.5819
Jordan MobileCom -orange ASIA 1.449 8.9355 8.9355 0.11592 0.11592 3.310965 1.26 7.77 7.77 0.1008 0.1008 3.1533
Jordan Fastlink ASIA 8.694 8.9355 8.9355 2.898 2.898 3.310965 7.56 7.77 7.77 2.52 2.52 3.1533
Jordan Xpress Telecom ASIA 8.694 8.9355 8.9355 2.898 2.898 3.310965 7.56 7.77 7.77 2.52 2.52 3.1533
Karzakhstan KAR-TEL ASIA 1.449 8.9355 16.905 0.23184 0.23184 3.721515 1.26 7.77 14.7 0.2016 0.2016 3.5443
Korea Korea Telecoms (KTF) ASIA 8.694 8.9355 8.9355 0.1449 0.1449 2.59854 7.56 7.77 7.77 0.126 0.126 2.4748
Korea sk telekoms ASIA 8.694 8.9355 8.9355 0.1449 0.1449 2.59854 7.56 7.77 7.77 0.126 0.126 2.4748
Lebanon MTC ASIA 14.49 16.905 16.905 8.694 8.694 3.29406 12.6 14.7 14.7 7.56 7.56 3.1372
Malaysia Maxi ASIA 8.694 14.49 14.49 0.2898 0.2898 0.15939 7.56 12.6 12.6 0.252 0.252 0.1518
Malaysia Digi ASIA 8.694 14.49 14.49 0.2898 0.2898 0.15939 7.56 12.6 12.6 0.252 0.252 0.1518
Pakistan Mobilink ASIA 1.449 8.9355 8.9355 0.23184 0.23184 0.79695 1.26 7.77 7.77 0.2016 0.2016 0.759
Pakistan PTML Ufone ASIA 1.449 8.9355 8.9355 0.23184 0.23184 0.79695 1.26 7.77 7.77 0.2016 0.2016 0.759
Philippines Globe ASIA 8.694 8.9355 8.9355 0.2898 0.2898 2.7048 7.56 7.77 7.77 0.252 0.252 2.576
Philippines Smart Communications ASIA 8.694 8.9355 8.9355 0.2898 0.2898 2.7048 7.56 7.77 7.77 0.252 0.252 2.576
Saudi Arabia Saudi Telecom ASIA 1.04328 8.9355 8.9355 1.04328 0.11592 2.47779 0.9072 7.77 7.77 0.9072 0.1008 2.3598
Saudi Arabia Etihad Etisalat ASIA 2.898 8.9355 8.9355 0.2898 0.11592 2.47779 2.52 7.77 7.77 0.252 0.1008 2.3598
Saudi Arabia Zain ASIA 1.449 16.422 28.98 1.449 0.11592 2.47779 1.26 14.28 25.2 1.26 0.1008 2.3598
Singapore SingTel ASIA 2.898 8.9355 24.15 1.449 1.449 0.0966 2.52 7.77 21.0 1.26 1.26 0.092
Singapore SingTel ASIA 2.898 8.9355 24.15 1.449 1.449 0.0966 2.52 7.77 21.0 1.26 1.26 0.092
Singapore M1 Singapore ASIA 2.898 8.9355 24.15 1.449 1.449 0.0966 2.52 7.77 21.0 1.26 1.26 0.092
Singapore Starhub ASIA 2.898 8.9355 24.15 1.449 1.449 0.0966 2.52 7.77 21.0 1.26 1.26 0.092
Sri Lanka Mobitel Private Limited ASIA 7.245 8.9355 8.9355 0.1449 0.1449 3.11052 6.3 7.77 7.77 0.126 0.126 2.9624
Sri Lanka Celltel ASIA 7.245 8.9355 8.9355 0.1449 0.1449 3.11052 6.3 7.77 7.77 0.126 0.126 2.9624
Sri Lanka MTN Networks (Pyt) Ltd ASIA 8.694 8.9355 8.9355 0.2898 0.2898 3.11052 7.56 7.77 7.77 0.252 0.252 2.9624
Sultanate of Oman Oman Mobile ASIA 7.245 8.9355 8.9355 2.898 2.898 3.1878 6.3 7.77 7.77 2.52 2.52 3.036
Sultanate of Oman NAWRAS ASIA 7.245 8.9355 8.9355 2.898 2.898 3.1878 6.3 7.77 7.77 2.52 2.52 3.036
Taiwan Chunghwa ASIA 8.694 14.49 14.49 0.23184 0.23184 1.089165 7.56 12.6 12.6 0.2016 0.2016 1.0373
Thailand True Move ASIA 8.694 14.49 14.49 0.1449 0.1449 0.258405 7.56 12.6 12.6 0.126 0.126 0.2461
UAE Thuraya ASIA 2.898 14.49 14.49 0.5796 0.5796 6.923805 2.52 12.6 12.6 0.504 0.504 6.5941
UAE Etisalat ASIA 2.898 14.49 14.49 0.5796 0.5796 6.923805 2.52 12.6 12.6 0.504 0.504 6.5941
UAE Du (Dubai) ASIA 2.898 14.49 14.49 0.5796 0.5796 6.923805 2.52 12.6 12.6 0.504 0.504 6.5941
UAE- QUATAR Q-Tel ASIA 4.347 8.9355 8.9355 0.5796 0.5796 6.923805 3.78 7.77 7.77 0.504 0.504 6.5941
Amenia Vivacell EUROPE 8.694 8.9355 8.9355 0.2898 0.2898 4.63197 7.56 7.77 7.77 0.252 0.252 4.4114
Amenia Armentel EUROPE 8.694 8.9355 8.9355 0.2898 0.2898 4.63197 7.56 7.77 7.77 0.252 0.252 4.4114
Belgium Proximus (Belgacom) EUROPE 4.347 8.9355 8.9355 0.1449 0.1449 5.05701 3.78 7.77 7.77 0.126 0.126 4.8162
Belgium Base (Orange)/KPN EUROPE 8.694 8.9355 8.9355 0.23184 0.23184 5.05701 7.56 7.77 7.77 0.2016 0.2016 4.8162
Belgium Mobistar EUROPE 8.694 8.9355 8.9355 0.1449 0.1449 5.05701 7.56 7.77 7.77 0.126 0.126 4.8162
Bulgaria BTC Mobile/Vivacom EUROPE 10.143 13.2825 13.2825 2.3184 4.347 7.0035 8.82 11.55 11.55 2.016 3.78 6.67
Bulgaria Mobiltel EUROPE 10.143 13.2825 13.2825 2.3184 4.347 7.0035 8.82 11.55 11.55 2.016 3.78 6.67
Bulgaria Cosmo (Globul) EUROPE 10.143 13.2825 13.2825 2.3184 4.347 7.0035 8.82 11.55 11.55 2.016 3.78 6.67
Cyprus Cyta EUROPE 8.694 8.9355 8.9355 0.2898 0.2898 1.57458 7.56 7.77 7.77 0.252 0.252 1.4996
Cyprus MTN EUROPE 8.694 8.9355 8.9355 0.2898 0.2898 1.57458 7.56 7.77 7.77 0.252 0.252 1.4996
Czech Republic Eurotel Phara/Telefonica EUROPE 7.8246 8.9355 8.9355 0.08694 0.08694 1.523865 6.804 7.77 7.77 0.0756 0.0756 1.4513
Czech Republic T-Mobile EUROPE 7.8246 8.9355 8.9355 0.08694 0.08694 1.523865 6.804 7.77 7.77 0.0756 0.0756 1.4513
Denmark Telia EUROPE 8.694 8.9355 8.9355 0.1449 0.1449 6.754755 7.56 7.77 7.77 0.126 0.126 6.4331
Denmark Orange A/S EUROPE 8.694 8.9355 8.9355 0.1449 0.1449 6.754755 7.56 7.77 7.77 0.126 0.126 6.4331
Denmark Hi3G EUROPE 14.49 8.9355 13.2825 0.1449 0.1449 6.754755 12.6 7.77 11.55 0.126 0.126 6.4331
Denmark TDC Mobil A/S Denmark EUROPE 14.49 8.9355 13.2825 0.1449 0.1449 6.754755 12.6 7.77 11.55 0.126 0.126 6.4331
Denmark Telenor A/S EUROPE 8.694 8.9355 8.9355 0.23184 0.23184 6.754755 7.56 7.77 7.77 0.2016 0.2016 6.4331
Estonia EMT EUROPE 11.592 14.49 24.15 1.449 1.449 6.938295 10.08 12.6 21.0 1.26 1.26 6.6079
Finland Sonera Mobile Networks EUROPE 11.592 14.49 24.15 1.449 1.449 6.68955 10.08 12.6 21.0 1.26 1.26 6.371
Finland Elisa (FINRL) EUROPE 11.592 14.49 24.15 1.449 1.449 6.68955 10.08 12.6 21.0 1.26 1.26 6.371
Finland Elisa Finland EUROPE 11.592 14.49 24.15 1.449 1.449 6.68955 10.08 12.6 21.0 1.26 1.26 6.371
Finland Alands EUROPE 11.592 14.49 24.15 1.449 1.449 6.68955 10.08 12.6 21.0 1.26 1.26 6.371
Finland DNA Plc EUROPE 8.694 8.9355 8.9355 0.23184 0.23184 6.68955 7.56 7.77 7.77 0.2016 0.2016 6.371
France SFR EUROPE 4.347 8.9355 8.9355 0.1449 0.1449 3.45828 3.78 7.77 7.77 0.126 0.126 3.2936
France Bouygues EUROPE 7.8246 8.9355 8.9355 0.08694 0.08694 3.45828 6.804 7.77 7.77 0.0756 0.0756 3.2936
France France Telecom (Orange) EUROPE 7.245 8.9355 8.9355 0.07245 0.07245 3.45828 6.3 7.77 7.77 0.063 0.063 3.2936
Germany o2 Telifonica EUROPE 7.8246 8.9355 8.9355 0.08694 0.08694 5.368545 6.804 7.77 7.77 0.0756 0.0756 5.1129
Germany E-Plus Mobilfunk EUROPE 7.8246 8.9355 8.9355 0.08694 0.08694 5.368545 6.804 7.77 7.77 0.0756 0.0756 5.1129
Greece Tim EUROPE 7.8246 8.9355 8.9355 0.08694 0.08694 1.68567 6.804 7.77 7.77 0.0756 0.0756 1.6054
Greece Cosmote EUROPE 7.8246 8.9355 8.9355 0.08694 0.08694 1.68567 6.804 7.77 7.77 0.0756 0.0756 1.6054
Hungary Pannon EUROPE 7.8246 8.9355 8.9355 0.08694 0.08694 0.74865 6.804 7.77 7.77 0.0756 0.0756 0.713
Hungary Vodafone EUROPE 7.8246 8.9355 8.9355 0.08694 0.08694 0.74865 6.804 7.77 7.77 0.0756 0.0756 0.713
Hungary T-Mobile EUROPE 7.245 8.9355 8.9355 0.2898 0.2898 0.74865 6.3 7.77 7.77 0.252 0.252 0.713
Iceland Siminn EUROPE 7.84875 13.2825 13.2825 2.898 2.898 0.28014 6.825 11.55 11.55 2.52 2.52 0.2668
Iceland Vikings Wireless EUROPE 7.84875 13.2825 13.2825 2.898 2.898 0.28014 6.825 11.55 11.55 2.52 2.52 0.2668
Iceland Vodafone EUROPE 7.84875 13.2825 13.2825 2.898 2.898 0.28014 6.825 11.55 11.55 2.52 2.52 0.2668
Ireland O2 EUROPE 1.449 8.9355 13.2825 0.1449 0.1449 4.702005 1.26 7.77 11.55 0.126 0.126 4.4781
Ireland Vodafone EUROPE 7.245 8.9355 8.9355 2.898 2.898 4.702005 6.3 7.77 7.77 2.52 2.52 4.4781
Israel Cellcom EUROPE 4.347 8.9355 8.9355 0.1449 0.1449 4.247985 3.78 7.77 7.77 0.126 0.126 4.0457
Israel Partners Communication (Orange) EUROPE 4.347 8.9355 8.9355 0.1449 0.1449 4.247985 3.78 7.77 7.77 0.126 0.126 4.0457
Italy Wind Telecom EUROPE 1.449 8.9355 13.2825 0.1449 0.1449 3.72876 1.26 7.77 11.55 0.126 0.126 3.5512
Italy TIM EUROPE 7.8246 8.9355 8.9355 0.08694 0.08694 3.72876 6.804 7.77 7.77 0.0756 0.0756 3.5512
Italy Vodafone EUROPE 7.245 8.9355 8.9355 2.898 2.898 3.72876 6.3 7.77 7.77 2.52 2.52 3.5512
Italy H3G EUROPE 1.449 8.9355 13.2825 0.1449 0.1449 3.72876 1.26 7.77 11.55 0.126 0.126 3.5512
Latvia Latvia Mobile EUROPE 11.592 14.49 24.15 1.449 1.449 8.691585 10.08 12.6 21.0 1.26 1.26 8.2777
Liechtenstein Orange EUROPE 8.694 19.32 8.9355 0.20286 0.20286 0.973245 7.56 16.8 7.77 0.1764 0.1764 0.9269
Liechtenstein Mobilkom EUROPE 11.592 14.49 24.15 1.449 1.449 0.973245 10.08 12.6 21.0 1.26 1.26 0.9269
Luxembourg VoxMobile EUROPE 8.694 8.9355 8.9355 0.1449 0.1449 4.6851 7.56 7.77 7.77 0.126 0.126 4.462
Malta GoMobile EUROPE 17.388 8.9355 8.9355 0.20286 0.20286 5.11014 15.12 7.77 7.77 0.1764 0.1764 4.8668
Malta Vodafone EUROPE 17.388 8.9355 8.9355 0.20286 0.20286 5.11014 15.12 7.77 7.77 0.1764 0.1764 4.8668
Netherlands T-Mobile EUROPE 7.8246 8.9355 8.9355 0.08694 0.08694 4.537785 6.804 7.77 7.77 0.0756 0.0756 4.3217
Netherlands Telfort EUROPE 7.245 8.9355 14.49 1.449 0.2898 4.537785 6.3 7.77 12.6 1.26 0.252 4.3217
Netherlands Orange EUROPE 7.8246 8.9355 8.9355 0.08694 0.08694 4.537785 6.804 7.77 7.77 0.0756 0.0756 4.3217
Netherlands KPN EUROPE 7.245 8.9355 14.49 1.449 0.2898 4.537785 6.3 7.77 12.6 1.26 0.252 4.3217
Netherlands Vodafone EUROPE 7.245 8.9355 8.9355 0.2898 0.2898 4.537785 6.3 7.77 7.77 0.252 0.252 4.3217
Norway Netcom EUROPE 11.592 14.49 24.15 1.449 1.449 0.176295 10.08 12.6 21.0 1.26 1.26 0.1679
Norway Telenor EUROPE 8.694 14.49 14.49 0.23184 0.23184 0.176295 7.56 12.6 12.6 0.2016 0.2016 0.1679
Poland Polkomtel EUROPE 8.694 8.9355 8.9355 0.1449 0.1449 2.43432 7.56 7.77 7.77 0.126 0.126 2.3184
Poland P4 EUROPE 8.694 8.9355 8.9355 0.1449 0.1449 2.43432 7.56 7.77 7.77 0.126 0.126 2.3184
Poland PTK Centertel EUROPE 8.694 8.9355 8.9355 0.1449 0.1449 2.43432 7.56 7.77 7.77 0.126 0.126 2.3184
Poland PTC Era EUROPE 7.8246 8.9355 8.9355 0.08694 0.08694 2.43432 6.804 7.77 7.77 0.0756 0.0756 2.3184
Portugal Optimus Telecomunicações SA EUROPE 7.8246 8.9355 8.9355 0.08694 0.08694 4.98456 6.804 7.77 7.77 0.0756 0.0756 4.7472
Portugal TMN EUROPE 4.347 8.9355 8.9355 0.1449 0.1449 4.98456 3.78 7.77 7.77 0.126 0.126 4.7472
Romania COSMOTE EUROPE 7.8246 8.9355 8.9355 0.08694 0.08694 0.214935 6.804 7.77 7.77 0.0756 0.0756 0.2047
Romania S.C. Orange România S.A. EUROPE 5.796 8.9355 8.9355 0.1449 0.1449 0.214935 5.04 7.77 7.77 0.126 0.126 0.2047
Russia Megafone EUROPE 4.347 8.9355 8.9355 0.05796 0.05796 2.94 3.78 7.77 7.77 0.0504 0.0504 2.8
Russia NCC EUROPE 8.694 8.9355 8.9355 0.2898 0.2898 2.94 7.56 7.77 7.77 0.252 0.252 2.8
Russia KB Impuls EUROPE 1.449 8.9355 16.905 0.23184 0.23184 2.94 1.26 7.77 14.7 0.2016 0.2016 2.8
Russia MTS (mobile TeleSystem) EUROPE 8.694 8.9355 8.9355 0.2898 0.2898 2.94 7.56 7.77 7.77 0.252 0.252 2.8
Russia Ermak RSM EUROPE 8.694 8.9355 8.9355 0.2898 0.2898 2.94 7.56 7.77 7.77 0.252 0.252 2.8
Russia LLC Ekaternbury EUROPE 8.694 8.9355 8.9355 0.2898 0.2898 2.94 7.56 7.77 7.77 0.252 0.252 2.8
Russia MTS (Former Uraltel) EUROPE 8.694 8.9355 8.9355 0.2898 0.2898 2.94 7.56 7.77 7.77 0.252 0.252 2.8
Russia Novgorod EUROPE 8.694 8.9355 8.9355 0.2898 0.2898 2.94 7.56 7.77 7.77 0.252 0.252 2.8
Russia NTC - RUSSIA EUROPE 8.694 8.9355 8.9355 0.2898 0.2898 2.94 7.56 7.77 7.77 0.252 0.252 2.8
Slovak Rep T-Mobile EUROPE 7.8246 8.9355 8.9355 0.08694 0.08694 1.35723 6.804 7.77 7.77 0.0756 0.0756 1.2926
Slovak Republic Orange Slovensko EUROPE 8.694 8.9355 8.9355 0.1449 0.1449 1.35723 7.56 7.77 7.77 0.126 0.126 1.2926
Spain Vodafone Espano EUROPE 7.245 8.9355 8.9355 0.2898 0.2898 7.822185 6.3 7.77 7.77 0.252 0.252 7.4497
Spain Vodafone Espano EUROPE 7.245 8.9355 8.9355 0.2898 0.2898 7.822185 6.3 7.77 7.77 0.252 0.252 7.4497
Spain Telefónica Móviles España EUROPE 8.694 8.9355 8.9355 0.1449 0.1449 7.822185 7.56 7.77 7.77 0.126 0.126 7.4497
Sweden TeliaSonera EUROPE 11.592 14.49 24.15 2.898 2.898 6.30315 10.08 12.6 21.0 2.52 2.52 6.003
Sweden Vodafone EUROPE 8.694 8.9355 8.9355 0.23184 0.23184 6.30315 7.56 7.77 7.77 0.2016 0.2016 6.003
Sweden Hi3G EUROPE 11.592 14.49 24.15 2.898 2.898 6.30315 10.08 12.6 21.0 2.52 2.52 6.003
Switzerland TDC Sunrise EUROPE 8.694 8.9355 8.9355 0.23184 0.23184 5.93607 7.56 7.77 7.77 0.2016 0.2016 5.6534
Switzerland Orange Communications SA EUROPE 8.694 8.9355 8.9355 0.23184 0.23184 5.93607 7.56 7.77 7.77 0.2016 0.2016 5.6534
Switzerland Swisscom EUROPE 8.694 8.9355 8.9355 0.23184 0.23184 5.93607 7.56 7.77 7.77 0.2016 0.2016 5.6534
Turkey Aycell EUROPE 7.245 8.9355 8.9355 0.20286 0.20286 4.552275 6.3 7.77 7.77 0.1764 0.1764 4.3355
Turkey Telsim EUROPE 7.245 8.9355 8.9355 0.20286 0.20286 4.552275 6.3 7.77 7.77 0.1764 0.1764 4.3355
Turkey Turkcell -vodafone EUROPE 7.245 8.9355 8.9355 0.2898 0.2898 4.552275 6.3 7.77 7.77 0.252 0.252 4.3355
Turkey Aria EUROPE 7.245 8.9355 8.9355 0.20286 0.20286 4.552275 6.3 7.77 7.77 0.1764 0.1764 4.3355
Ukraine MTS UKRAINE EUROPE 1.449 8.9355 16.905 0.23184 0.23184 4.774455 1.26 7.77 14.7 0.2016 0.2016 4.5471
Ukraine Astellit EUROPE 1.449 8.9355 16.905 0.23184 0.23184 4.774455 1.26 7.77 14.7 0.2016 0.2016 4.5471
Ukraine Kyvistar GSM JSC EUROPE 1.449 8.9355 16.905 0.23184 0.23184 4.774455 1.26 7.77 14.7 0.2016 0.2016 4.5471
United Kingdom Vodafone EUROPE 7.245 8.9355 8.9355 0.2898 0.2898 8.063685 6.3 7.77 7.77 0.252 0.252 7.6797
United Kingdom Orange EUROPE 7.245 8.9355 8.9355 0.1449 0.1449 8.063685 6.3 7.77 7.77 0.126 0.126 7.6797
United Kingdom Manx Telecome(Unilateral) EUROPE 7.245 8.9355 8.9355 0.1449 0.1449 8.063685 6.3 7.77 7.77 0.126 0.126 7.6797
United Kingdom H3G EUROPE 7.245 8.9355 8.9355 0.1449 0.1449 8.063685 6.3 7.77 7.77 0.126 0.126 7.6797
United Kingdom Jersey Telecom EUROPE 7.245 8.9355 8.9355 0.1449 0.1449 8.063685 6.3 7.77 7.77 0.126 0.126 7.6797
United Kingdom O2 EUROPE 7.245 8.9355 8.9355 0.1449 0.1449 8.063685 6.3 7.77 7.77 0.126 0.126 7.6797
United Kingdom T-Mobile EUROPE 7.245 8.9355 8.9355 0.1449 0.1449 8.063685 6.3 7.77 7.77 0.126 0.126 7.6797
Yugoslavia Mobtel- TELENOR OO EUROPE 8.694 14.49 14.49 0.23184 0.23184 2 7.56 12.6 12.6 0.2016 0.2016 0
United States T-Mobile(USAW6) AMERICA 7.245 8.9355 8.9355 0.2898 0.2898 8.063685 6.3 7.77 7.77 0.126 0.126 7.6797
United States Sprint (USASP) AMERICA 7.245 8.9355 8.9355 0.1449 0.1449 8.063685 6.3 7.77 7.77 0.126 0.126 7.6797
United States Verizon (USAVZ) AMERICA 7.245 8.9355 8.9355 0.1449 0.1449 8.063685 6.3 7.77 7.77 0.126 0.126 7.6797