
In terms of Education, the Foundation participates in the fight against illiteracy, by facilitating and encouraging education and vocational training where social conditions are obstacles. We promote digital tools as a driver for equal opportunity and our programs such as Digital School Kits, Women’s Digital Centre and Super Coders Scratch Programme are examples of our commitment.

Last educational stories


April 27th - OSL Foundation in partnership with Plan International, UNICEF and the Government of Sierra Leone commemorated International Girls in ICT Day with a 2 Day event at the OSL Headquarters.

Girls in ICT Day is an annual highlight on the need to promote technological career opportunities for girls and women in the world’s fastest growing centre.

On behalf of the OSL CEO, Sekou Amadou Bah, HR Director Agnes Songa delivered the Welcome Speech and officially launched the Girls in ICT Day Activities.

The Minister of Youth Affairs & speakers from Plan International, DSTI and the Ministry of Information spoke on the various ways the country is focusing on providing the platform to young women and girls to enter a career in technology and the importance for promoting ICT to them.

All throughout the country, OSL staff brought their daughters to work. The girls participated in the workshops and sessions that took place throughout the day.

The workshops included:

-Introduction of Generation Unlimited and Unicef Digital Learning Hub

-Learning Passport and MBSSE Digital Opportunities for Young People

-Introduction of Social Media Advocacy Skills, Blog Writing, Staying Safe Online

-Girls Understanding Radio Media Technology and How to Increase Skills and Make Use of Radio Media in The Country to Facilitate Advocacy Activities of Girls

-Introduction of Orange Digital and ICT platform and potential ICT training for Girls

-Visit to Key Departments and Interact with Staff and Girls

OSL Foundation Delivers Digital Learning Kits to Schools

We are proud to say that Orange SL Foundation through the Support of Foundation Group (the providers of these digital school kits/equipment + Funding for the implementation) has Launched, Unveiled, Installed, donated and handed over Digital Learning Kits to 9 Schools for the Digital School Kits Project.

The Schools we have donated to so far includes;

1. SOS Hermann Gmeiner Primary School, Beach Road, Lumley

2. Juba Army Primary School, Juba Barracks

3. Church of Christ Primary School, Gloucester

4. Fourah Bay College Primary School, Kortright

5. Wilberforce Municipal Primary School

6. St. Edwards Primary Sch.

7. St. Anthony Girls Primary School

8. Ilmo Zikri Primary School

9. Emmet Emmet Primary School UBC

The kits includes Tablets, Laptop Computer, Raspberry Pi, Projector & Screen, Extensions, Headphones, Power Bank, Bluetooth Speaker etc.

This is indeed a digital revolution and inclusion in the Government supported Schools - first in the history of Sierra Leone for Schools to have such equipment. It's the start of a new beginning in the Educational sector.

The pupils will now have easy access to technological learnings in the 10 schools.

The gesture was well appreciated by the authorities and pupils of the four Schools we have done so far. We have 6 more schools to do in this 1st phase of the project.

The setting up of the equipment, training of trainers and installation at the schools were done in collaboration with our Implementing Partner BIAZO Company Ltd - they will also be looking at the maintenance, inclusive joint Monitoring & Evaluation of the equipment in the various Schools.

In addition, Staff of OSL and OSLF will be project ambassadors for each school, also responsible for monitoring of kits and quarterly reports for each school's utilisation.