Netflix $15

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Netflix Evoucher 15$ - NLE 519

This 15$ Netflix E-voucher allows you to subscribe to your Netflix account.

Important information

This E-voucher is valid only for Netflix, on a Netflix account in Dollars.

This E-voucher does not allow you to open a Netflix account, only recharge it

This E-voucher is neither exchangeable nor refundable.

Once purchased, the E-voucher code is reloaded in the Netflix platform.

It then allows you to pay for your subscription. Depending on your Netflix Plan, you will have from 2.1 to 6.3 months of credit.

                  Pass Mobile Basic Standard Premium
Number of top-up months 6.3 3.1 2.5 2.1
6 months 8 days 3 months 2 days 2 months 15 days 2 months 2 days


How do I use my 15$ Netflix E-voucher?

  • Once your Netflix E-voucher has been purchased on the Eshop website you will receive your code by SMS on your Orange Money number
  • Go to the Netflix mobile app or and sign into your Netflix account
  • Then go to and enter the unique code in the space provided
  • Your Netflix account is then credited with the amount of the E-voucher.
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